Devon Garden Sheds offer a wide range of garden fencing. A fence is a
free-standing structure designed to restrict or prevent movement across a
boundary. Fences are generally distinguished from walls by the
lightness of their construction and their purpose. Walls are usually
barriers made from solid brick or concrete, blocking vision as well as
passage, while fences are used more frequently to provide visual
sectioning of spaces. The most common type of garden fence is
constructed from wood, however more and more people are now choosing to
have there main structure of there fence (the posts) constructed from
concrete. The concrete post are very low maintenance and will not rot if
untreated like the wooden post.
is a very wide range of garden fencing to choose from so if you would
like any more information or advise on the fence that would suit you and
your property please do not hesitate to contact us.
of your garden fence is of great importance, if the fence that you
require is to stand the test of time then it needs to be installed
correctly. A badly installed fence will only cause you and possibly your
neighbours a lot of unnecessary hassle. Devon Garden Sheds offer a full
installation service across the hole of the south west, if you require
any more information on our installation service please contact us.
For a free no obligation quote please contact us on:
Tel: 0845 0944096